We believe that there is strength in diversity. The firm’s vision has always been to provide its clients a wide range of legal services. Conscious efforts were made to maintain a presence in both civil litigation and non-litigation areas of legal Practice, although it does not take on criminal litigation work. As a result, the firm has managed largely to maintain roughly even portfolios in litigation and non-litigation work, although lately, non-litigation work has understandably slowed down due to the present difficult economic conditions. Nevertheless, this policy of diversification has cushioned us from the full impact of the economic downturn and we take pride in the fact that during these difficult times, the firm has actually expanded.

Throughout its years of existence, the firm has gained invaluable experience in general legal practice and also specific areas thereof.

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In respect of non-litigation work, the firm maintains a strong presence in the retail banking and housing projects sectors, and this is evident from its clientele base (see next paragraph). Conveyancing (e.g. sub-sales of real property) and other related non-litigation work (e.g. joint-venture agreements, share sale agreements, shareholders’ agreement) are also offered by the firm. Corporate banking, including syndications and Islamic financing transactions, has been a major strength of our firm. We have also handled numerous corporate based assignments pertaining to share and securities transactions, corporate exercises (including restructuring and takeovers schemes), due diligence reviews, unit trusts, merger & acquisition (M & A) and other instruments.


Insurance and negligence litigation has long been the mainstay of the firm. We have built a considerable base among the insurance companies. Specializing in insurance, reinsurance and insurance recovery. Our team is also experienced in personal injury, professional liability, negligence and fraud matters. We also have a dynamic team, duly trained up to negotiate and mediate as well as working towards finding alternatives to litigation by way of Arbitrations and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Our litigation department also handles civil litigation, particularly acting for banks, service provider companies and credit cards companies in debt recovery cases.

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Specific Areas of Practice

We would be pleased to provide more information on our experience in a particular area of practice upon request.